Monday, May 4, 2009


I was at the bookstore the other day and while I was idly browsing through the crafting section when I came across a book called Crobots! by Nelly Pailloux. What is this? I thought at I pulled it from the shelf. When I saw that it was a book of crocheted robots, I kind of freaked out. How ridiculously cute could a book possibly be? Needless to say I had to have it and a book called Creepy Cute Crochet by Christen Haden, which is full of tiny crocheted horror creatures. Well as soon as I got these books I've been crocheting like a fiend, hardly taking a break, and I'm completely obsessed with this craft known as Amigurumi now. If anyone has any recommendations on techniques and resources please let me know, I just started doing this a few days ago, and I have fairly limited expertise in crocheting in general (I'm a knitter at heart!) I'm also trying to figure out how much yarn I need for projects so I can start spinning and dying my own materials. I'll try and post pictures at some point.


  1. Wow!! I think I saw both of these books or at least one of them at the B & N I go to. Please post some pics of the monster's you create, through crochet. Have Fun, Sharon

  2. Oh hurry up! You need to show the world the creatures you have created becaus I have seen them and they are AMAZING! haha...I want to see more ;)
