Saturday, February 7, 2009


If you don't know me, I've had long hair my entire life. Last week it was about 24 inches long. With some encouragement from family and friends, and a sudden desire for a big change I got it cut very short. I was also able to donate my hair which was cool. It's amazing how much something as simple as a haircut can make you feel. Maybe it's the extra time in the morning since I don't have to spend hours washing and drying my hair, maybe it's simply the change in my appearance. Whatever it is, I feel good! So thanks everyone who pushed me into this :)


  1. Trista! I had no idea you had a blog, so weird now our whole family is all encircl-ized in bloggyness. So this is the most random place to do this, but its too late to call and I dont know your email or if you check it. I was to belly dance again! BAD, and they start all new series the 15th, 2 weeks from now, go look and let me know if you could do any cause I really really really want to, but I need you by my side!!

  2. I like your blog. The whole fam damily's blogs. I find you all inspirational. I had to comment when I read Tiphoni's belly dance comment. I started belly dancing at 43 years old and 300 pounds. It's the best thing I ever did for my health. I love it. I love ME because of it. I was inspired by my youngest daughter who started belly dancing when she was 12. I saw my grumpy, awkward, shy baby girl blossom into a poised, self-confident (still grumpy) young woman. She is 15 now and still going strong. If you decide to go for it, I hope you find joy in it like I do.

  3. I saw your new haircut on FB. It rocks! I like it :) I hope you know who this or I will feel silly :/
